Available Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm
MKM Extrusions Ltd is a company which designs, manufactures and supplies high quality plastic profile extrusions and co-extrusions.
Our mission is to be the first choice for plastic extrusions, manufactured in a sustainable way – on quality, customer service, ease of ordering and value.
We will provide all our customers with a product that meets our stated specification.
We will meet all legislative, regulatory and other requirements appropriate to our business and our employees and endeavour to go further than the minimum.
We are committed to the continual improvement of our Quality and Environmental Management System.
We recognise that our activities have an impact on the environment. We will work towards the protection, conserving and enhancing of all aspects of the environment over which we have control. We are committed to the prevention of pollution.
We will promote optimum and efficient use of resources in the materials and energy which we use, the processes we follow and the products we manufacture.
We recognise the importance of our employees and believe that the success of our company and the relationship with our employees is absolutely linked. The fundamental aim of the company is to produce profits. However this will always be balanced with our employees being treated with respect and in an inclusive and fair manner.
We will use a policy of ‘Work Life Balance’ whereby requests by employees for flexibility in working arrangements will be considered on an individual basis according to company and employee needs.
A programme of ongoing training and staff development is in place to ensure a policy of continual improvement.
We ensure that these policies are achieved and reviewed by using management systems, staff feedback, customer feedback and holding regular Management Reviews.
Guy Molyneux
Managing Director